This journey started from Jammu and Kashmir’s capital Srinagar. My driver made a call to his friend in Sonmarg and confirmed about weather conditions. Because no one can predict about the Kashmir’s climate. One famous phrase by Kashmiris is “Bambai Ka Fashion and Kashmir Ka Mausam Har Waqt Badalta Rehta Hain”. During my travel, I found this is true.
Sonmarg to Srinagar distance is around 80 kilometers and this journey required more than 2 hours.
I am traveling during the month of May, so roads are opened and surrounding lush green farms attract people towards them.
After 20 to 25 kilometers we were able to see the snowy mountains. Now we got more excited to reach there.
Now its time to feel this snow closely. During the month of May snow disappears from roads but some part of huge mountains are still covered by this beautiful snow.
We have to cross a number of bridges during this journey. Sumbal bridge is one of the most popular for ice water river.
Just before 5 kilometers, we can see the magnificent mountain with wonderful Chinar trees.
This is the reason why I took so many efforts. Perfect place to capture some awesome clicks. These scenic nature made my trip memorable. I suggest you visit this place at least once in a lifetime.